My special Holiday
In the holidays Alice, Maggie and Ipu took me and my cousin to the movies in the car to watch Jumanji.
Me and my cousin were also very tired in the car because we needed to wake up early.
Me and my cousin were also very tired in the car because we needed to wake up early.
It was a very long way because we were going to the movies that was out west.
There was also a lot growling because my cousin tries to mock me but then I insulted her.
When we finally made it to the movies in the west.
We saw a little change and that was some of the parking space was translated into the space for KFC.
When we walked inside I realised that the park inside the movies was actually gone. First we
ordered our own food so we don’t get hungry. Second we were giving our tickets to the person
who tells us which cinema we go in. Last we watch the movie and enjoy. When we watched the
movie the annoying advertisement we always have in every device pop up and I got so annoyed.
ordered our own food so we don’t get hungry. Second we were giving our tickets to the person
who tells us which cinema we go in. Last we watch the movie and enjoy. When we watched the
movie the annoying advertisement we always have in every device pop up and I got so annoyed.
When the movie started I said to my cousin that there was a ghost and she said that no there
wasn’t and she knew that there was no ghost. Lets now talk about the movie. So first the movie
starts in a very good way,
wasn’t and she knew that there was no ghost. Lets now talk about the movie. So first the movie
starts in a very good way,
a boy plays his games and suddenly found a box called jumanji.
He got confused and he left it alone and started to play some of his favourite games.
Then he could hear a strange sound,
Then he could hear a strange sound,
it was the box. He quickly opened it,
he played it and he got sucked into the game.
In the next scene we see that this girl starts taking selfies and show it to her friend.
In high school we see her talking to one of her friends in a test.
She was spotted by the teacher and the teacher told her to stop but she didn’t and she went to
detention for that,
detention for that,
in the next scene people are playing dodge ball,
we see that a person is left out and she was caught by the gym teacher, same thing happens
like last time she was forced to play she didn’t play and she went to detention for not
listening to the gym teacher.
like last time she was forced to play she didn’t play and she went to detention for not
listening to the gym teacher.
Two other boys were going to detention as well. In the next scene we see that the two boys are
in detention.
in detention.
The reason why they needed to go to detention is because they were cheating in the test when
it was class time.
it was class time.
That’s enough talking about the movies, when the movie ended we went to eat some KFC.
Me and my cousin were playing around and waiting for our meal. When our meal was
ordered we said our prayer and then we ate our food.
ordered we said our prayer and then we ate our food.
When me and my cousin finished eating we were playing around again. When we
left we took my cousin home,
left we took my cousin home,
after we took her home we went to confession.
While I was in confession I saw Maggie crying for sinning.
After that we had a feast.
There were so much food and it made me want to eat.
What I ate was pizza and sausage rolls.
After that we went home.
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