I read up to page 9 to page 11
When they met Jack again they were talking to each other, Peter said, "did you lose your badge?".
Jack said no and said that his sister named Susie took because she thought it was for her to keep.
Peter said that Jack needs to bring his sister with him to the meeting in the shed at quarter pass two.
Jack said that both of them, Susie and the older one are both going to a party, luckily they wont be bothered there, right Peter said. We will have a meeting at quarter pass two. Peter and Janet went back back home. When they opened the door they saw Mum making some food for them. Peter said, "right in time for dinner because I am hungry". So they all ate there food on the bowl as fast as they can.
Scamper was the first one to finish, he went to bed and slept until Peter was knocking on the door.
Don't sleep yet Scamper Peter said, after we have dinner we need to go to the shed for the meeting.
Scamper opened one eye and left the other closed, its funny how you're half asleep and half awake Janet said. Peter said lets go so Scamper got up and went to the shed where The Secret Seven is going.
When they were running Janet said that it is Fun to have another meeting with The Secret Seven again.
It has already pass the holiday and we are going back to The Secret Seven. When they came to the shed, they put there beer on the table and put the sweets on the table as well, when Jack came in he told Bob to stay outside and wait. Jack was having another conversation with Peter and Janet.
Bob was still waiting outside miserable. He still wasn't welcome inside after 7 minutes. The story will be told tomorrow.
To be continued