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Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Midnight Zone

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tupua!

    Thank you for sharing your answer for this activity. :)
    I am thinking that maybe you have gotten a little bit confused or maybe misread what the question is asking -
    For this activity you needed to see if you can come up with a team of adults and children who would be able to move the squid.
    Children can only lift 15kg's each and adults can only lift 20kg's each.

    Hopefully this might help with your thinking:

    I know that 4 x 25 = 100
    so if I want to lift 100kg's I would need 4 adults

    I know that 15 x 10 = 150
    I know if I double 150 = 300
    So if I wanted to lift 300kg's I would need 20 kids.

    This is not the full or only solution to the problem but hopefully it might give you a clear idea of how you can go about it! :)

    Nga mihi,
    Ellee :)
